Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Christmas Story

I know that the title of this blog is "A Christmas Story." I also know that today is Wednesday, January 7, well after December 25 and all things Christmas. However, this blog began in my mind during the Christmas season and continues to grow so I feel the need to write it. Hang with me and I hope you'll find that it is not only "A Christmas Story, " but a story for a lifetime.

The Christmas story always makes me think. We grow up knowing about Mary and Joseph. How they traveled to the town of Bethlehem to be counted. That they traveled many miles on dusty roads with a donkey only to find that there was no room in the inn. The inn keeper offered them the only space that he had left which was a stable. While in that stable Mary gave birth to her first child and they called him, Jesus. Jesus is the son of God. The heavenly host sang and Mary lay Jesus in a manger. The shepherds came to see the new born king. The Magi brought gifts and Mary pondered these things in her heart.

Most everyone knows this story. Believers and non-believers alike have heard the story. Many of us have participated in or watched children reenact this heart warming story every Christmas. Our preschool puts on a Christmas pageant every year. Girls and mommas anxiously wait to see who will be chosen to play Mary or Gabriel (He's always played by a girl). Boys and mommas look forward to finding out who will play Joseph, the Shepard's, or the wise men. Everyone gets a part in the pageant. Those that don't play the lead will be townspeople.

I've always held Mary in high esteem. She is the mother of Jesus who happens to be the son of God. She fond favor with God is what the angel told her. How cool to be told audibly that you've found favor with God. It was not until I got older and then became a mother myself did I really begin to think about Mary. What it must have been like to be in her early teens, engaged to be married, a good Jewish girl with her whole life ahead of her then wham a glitch in the plan. A great glitch from the "finding favor with God" aspect, but a glitch none the less. She had to tell her fiance, her friends, and let's not forget her parents that she is "with God's child."

We all know the end of the story, so it seems sweet and wonderful even miraculous. But most of those people didn't live to see the end of the story or even know it for real. Those who did live to see the end of Mary's story or Jesus' story do you think that they said, "And they lived happily ever after?" I don't think so.

How many of us mothers want our daughters to actually live Mary's life?...or want our son's to live Joseph's life? We want them to play them in the pageant but not in real life. We don't want glitches in the plans that we've made. The role of the townspeople is looking pretty good, just a bystander.

All of this thinking about Mary and her story and Jesus and his story made me think about my story and your story. The truth is that we all have a story. Some of our stories seem better than others. You can almost always find someone with a story worse than yours or better than yours, but the stories aren't through.

The important thing to remember is that everyone has a story. All of our stories have the same author. He begins our story and then He let's us have it. (Free will) We can decide to give it back to Him or make a go of it on our own, but we've all tried to write a few chapters ourselves. Once you realize that He is a better author than you are, then try to remember that everyone you come in contact with has a story. You don't know the whole story. You only know a snippet. The author maybe using you as a pivotal character, a bystander or an evil villain.

What part do you play in the store clerk's story, the waiter's story, the single mother's story, the naughty child's story, the grouchy church lady's story or the homeless family's story? What part do you want to play? Ask the Author. I'm sure that He has something in mind for you.


UM-Pastor said...

Pretty awesome - preach it girl!

Anonymous said...

I think sometimes you and I may be comic relief in someone's story. ;) That has its place, too.

Very thought provoking. Nicely done!