Friday, September 18, 2009

Life Lessons and Dead Batteries

Yesterday was like an other day in the Tillman family...crazy. After school the boys had a hair appointment that I thought was at 4:30, but turned out to be at 3:45. Olivia and Dane don't usually get home until 3:45 so things had to be thrown into hyper mode in order to get there remotely close to appointment time. Despite my "on time" issues, I really do hate being late. It maybe not really "on time" issues, but my inability to gage how long activities take.

Anyway, we rushed downtown, four children in tow, in the misting rain. In my hurry to get everyone inside, I left my lights on. Being that my car is so smart, (like it knows the way to Disney World without me really having to drive there) I figured it could turn the lights off for me since I forgot. Apparently it has forgotten how to do this. After forty minutes and two haircuts later, all five of us come out into the rain to return to the car without an umbrella. The big kids and Jake think that running in the rain is fun, so they head out to the car. Henry and I make our way without getting too wet.

As everyone gets loaded into the car, I hand Dane the keys to start the car and turn on the air. He can't get it to turn over. I finish strapping Henry in and try for myself. Nothing happens. Nothing at all. Not even a hint of turning over. Well, panic ensues. Not me but the children. Olivia is worried that we will have to live in our car. Jake's concerned that we are going to burn up without air. Henry tries out a few new octaves just for the fun of it. And Dane sits there looking like "Is this really happening?"

Well, not to panic I have my handy dandy cell phone. I call Prince Charming to the rescue. He and his companion come riding in on a Great White Dodge to save the day. (aka Todd and Wayne) But before the prince can make it to save the damsel in distress. Others come to my aide.

The first to arrive on the scene didn't offer assistance, but requested it. He told a tale of unexpected illness, being detoured from his intended destination, and being down on his luck. He began this conversation by finding common ground. The stranger asked me about the Christian fish symbol on the front of my car. He said that he had attended Kairos, a prison ministry weekend. I chatted with him not wanting to be rude. He shared of his misfortune, but before he could ask for assistance another came to my aid.

The second to arrive asked if I was OK and did I need help. I explained my dilemma. He then turned to the first gentleman and asked him when he had gotten out of jail. The first man looked surprised and offended. In rides the Prince and his companion, so the first man gets somewhat pushed to the side, as the task of starting the car is attended to. I knew that the first man was about to ask for money, before his efforts had been thwarted by the second gentleman. So during the commotion, I slipped five dollars from my purse and folded it in my hand.

The first man hung around for a little while attempting to help, but his efforts were ignored by the second man. He approached me one last time to say he would seek help elsewhere when I quickly handed him the money. He smiled and left with a "God bless you mam."

After 20 minutes of trying, the car was finally running and things were about to move forward when the second gentleman shared a story about the first. It would seem that man #1 had appeared in front of the grand jury on which man #2 sat. Man #1 was indited for scamming people with a story of unexpected illness, being detoured from his destination and being down on his luck. Thus the reaction from man #2 to man #1. Man #2 was truly trying to protect me and my children. We thanked him for his concern and his assistance and went along our way.

Upon entering the car, Dane expressed anger towards man #1 for his deception. He also chastised me for helping him. Here I got to share with all of the children that we are only responsible for ourselves. We can only answer for what we do. I told them that I had $5.00 in my purse and it did not hurt me or us to give it to man #1. I felt it was what I was supposed to do. We then went on to discuss the fact that he would have to answer for his actions. We are not to judge his motivation. Jesus will do that.

I think that we often get caught up in judging others needs or how they behave. If we listen to our hearts and where the Spirit leads us, we will truly have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world. I know that I don't want to stand before Him and say, "He didn't really need that money. He was just scamming me."

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