Monday, September 28, 2009

You never know who is watching

The God goggles have been popping up everywhere. I attended my first BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) discussion group this past Thursday. While we were discussing, I felt that I was supposed to share with the group about God goggles. I chose not to share. It was our first time together. I had already shared on several questions and didn't want to be a conversation hog. I also didn't want to be tooting my own horn about my blog or my catch phrase "God goggles." So I told that small voice in my head to "shh!" and the discussion moved on.

Well, come to find out God wanted me to share that story in small group. Because when we went to the sanctuary for lecture, the guest speaker talked about God goggles. Had I followed the prompting to share, the twelve girls in my small group could have gotten a glimpse of how God ties things together through people who haven't even met.

There have been other times when I do listen to that small voice and although I may not know the impact my actions have. I've learned that you never know who is watching.

Months ago I began to notice a lady around town. I noticed her because she is different. She appears to be homeless. She wears a heavy coat with a hood no matter what the weather. She used to have a bicycle, but now she has a baby stroller. She seems to always be talking to herself.

I don't know why I took an interest in her, but I did. Whenever I would pass her on the road or see her sitting on a bench, I would say a little prayer for her. God had laid her on my heart. I wasn't sure how or where or why, but I knew in my spirit that our paths were going to cross.

One night after a meeting, a friend and I happened upon the topic of homeless people and "she" came up. My friend had noticed her, too. She had even gone so far as to stop and talk with her. I had not gathered my courage enough to do that. However, God was going to give me the opportunity.

One Sunday after church, my family and I went out to eat as we often do. I knew the time had come. There outside the door of the restaurant sat "her" stroller. I said to myself this is it. I'm about to have an encounter with her. Well, sure enough my entire family had the opportunity to meet her and spend some time talking with her. She was in the restaurant inquiring about the church that my family and I attend. This opened the door for us to invite her to sit down, to talk with her and offer her assistance.

You really need some description in order to get the full picture. It is May in South Georgia, ninety-seven degrees easily. She is dressed in a sweatshirt, pants, heavy coat with a hood and sunglasses on inside. My family and I are dressed in our Sunday best...fancy dresses, heels, pearls, coats, and ties. We are all sitting together talking in the restaurant. Not a sight that you see everyday, certainly not every Sunday in south Georgia.

After awhile, we parted ways with our new friend, "Miss Sherry." We left with the agreement that Todd would meet her back the next morning and take her to get assistance. The next morning comes, Todd goes to pick her up and she is not there. He waits, but still no Sherry.

A week later, I see her sitting on a bench in front of Hollywood Video. I wheel in to go and talk with her, check on her and make sure she is OK. She immediately recognizes me and apologizes for standing my husband up. She can't say exactly why she wasn't there, but she was certainly sorry that she might have inconvenienced him. I could tell that she simply wanted to talk so I sat with her for a while. She shared of many things, but she mainly wanted to talk about Jesus. I stayed as long as I could and then I left.

I got back into my car to my phone going off like crazy. I had several missed calls and texts and the phone was ringing. I picked up to the chastising voice of my friend who says, "What are you doing? My husband said that he saw you sitting on the bench talking to the crazy lady." I told her that her name was "Sherry" and that we were chatting.

I've run into Sherry only one other time since then, but have several opportunities to talk about her with others. Now months later people will bring up the fact that they say me talking with her or they will share a story of how she had an encounter with them. Most people indicate that she makes them feel uncomfortable. They want her to change her clothes or where she sits or how she acts. All Sherry really wants is for someone to sit and listen to her. Why does she make us uncomfortable? Could she be like the blind beggar or the demon possessed man from Jesus time? Is what she's asking for too much to give?

The next time you feel a prompting to do something a little out of the the ordinary or at least out of your comfort zone, listen to that small voice. You never know what catalyst your action could be for a plan that God has and you never know who is watching!

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