Monday, September 14, 2009

You Can Have It Your Way, But Don't Get Crazy!

I first have to acknowledge that I've not blogged since January. I can't necessarily pinpoint why. All I know is that I couldn't find the time. I have had thoughts of blogs but could never make myself sit down and write them. I feel that God has said that it is time to get back to it. I've got some alone time in the morning and hopefully will make this a habit (discipline...therefore making me a disciple?). So here we go.

I have struggled over the past year, maybe more, with styles of worship, different churches, and the need for one to be right. Living in the Bible belt allows for a variety of churches. You can have "high" church. You can have any denomination. You can have no denomination. You can have choirs and organs. You can have rocking worship bands. You can even have church with no instruments at all. So many choices, but which one is right?

I personally love liturgy. I love the sound of a pipe organ as well as a GREAT rock band. I love the tradition of robes and Lent. I love sharing communion as the body of Christ. I love a well delivered message that gives me Holy Spirit chills. I love looking over a group of people who know who they are and who's they are all worshipping together.

As you can see, I have great variety in how I like to worship, praise and interact with God. The unfortunate thing is there is not just one church that can offer me all of these things. I tend to be an "all" or "nothing" kind of girl. Black or white...Right or Wrong. God is working on this with me. Life is usually in the gray, that is where God is. Grace occurs in the gray of life.

So back to my dilemma. Which church is properly praising and worshipping God? As I chatted with a friend yesterday she commented on this issue. Our God is so big, and awesome; so in love with all of his children that any praise of Him is right. True praise comes from your heart. So you can praise HIM on your padded pews surrounded by stain glassed windows. You can praise HIM in jeans and flip flops. You can praise HIM on Wednesday instead of Sunday.

The bottom line is that HE loves us each and everyone with all of our differences. He made us all different so why would He want us all to worship in the same way. Worship is like Burger can have it your way, but don't get crazy and forget to worship.


Unknown said...

I like that "grace is in the gray of life." I need to remember that.

Shannon talked on the very same thing yesterday, We are all different, but all the same, because we are all loved by God.

Anonymous said...

I liked that same quote! Glad you are back. I've missed you (and your blog!).

Cindy said...

Great post - I've had this debate with people over music. Some people think hymns are the only right way, and others praise music. I love them both! One type of music may speak to one person, and bore the next to tears. We've also struggled with finding where the kids get fed with what they need. But Christ's church isn't limited to one format or denomination. Praise Him!

Unknown said...

You really do have much to share with us. Keep it up!